Garden Lab in Spain

Location: IES Pedras Rubias
Pantel, s/n, 36472 Salceda de Caselas

The creation of a Garden Lab requires previous construction work on the space in order to be able to work with participants in workshops. The proposal includes the construction of a vegetable garden composed of five permanent wooden beds and two hedges for edible shrubs, aromatic plants, and flowers. The work includes the previous preparation of the land, the installation of wooden beams, the supply and distribution of vegetable soil and compost, and the installation of an irrigation system.

The first workshop, called “Growing I“, includes the design and teaching of techniques to improve soil fertility and cultural management, as well as the supply of necessary materials. The second workshop, “Growing-cultivating II“, includes the design and teaching of cultivation techniques, as well as the supply of vegetable plants, shrubs, flowers, and aromatic plants. The third workshop, “Growing-harvesting III“, includes the design and teaching of harvesting techniques and the supply of necessary materials for harvesting.

Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden Lab in Spain
Garden labs in spain
Garden Lab in Spain